چهار شنبه 29 بهمن 1393برچسب:, :: 23:25 :: نويسنده : شمیلا سیامکی
The angel said that after Adam and Eve were driven forth from Paradise they were banished to Havilah (Gen. ii. 11), «Where they suffered greatly because they could not eat the poor food which the country produced. The pangs of hunger vexed them sorely, and at length they cried out to God and told Him that they were starving. Our Lord, the Word, had pity upon them, and said to His Father, «Behold, the man whom we have created in Our image and likeness is an hungered; now, if it be Thy will, do not let him die before Thy face.» In reply God said to Him, «If Thou art moved with compassion for the man whom We have created, and who hath rejected My commandment, go Thou and give him h He sealed the worlds of light, and then gave it to our Lord and told Him to give it to Michael, the archangel, who was to give it to Adam and teach him how to sow and reap it. Michael found Adam by the Jordan, who as he had eaten nothing for eight days was crying to God for food, and as soon as Adam received the grain of wheat, he ceased to cry out, and became strong, and his descendants have lived on wheat ever since. Water, wheat and the throne of God «are the equals of the Son of God.» See Brit. Mus. MS. Oriental No. 7026, Fol. 5aff (ed. Budge, Coptic Apocrypha, p. 244).
فرشته گفت: زماني كه آدم و حوا از بهشت عدن بيرون شدند گرسنگي به آنها غلبه كرد چرا كه غذائي كه در زمين يافت ميشد بسيار اندك و ضعيف بود، ارباب ديد كه آدم از گرسنگي گريه ميكند، پس به خداوند گفت» انسان كه ما او را آفريديم اكنون گرسنه است، اجازه نده در پيش چشمانت بميرد» پس خداوند گفت با اينكه او سخن نوراني و فرمان ما را رد كرد اگر ميخواهي به او مهرباني و رحمت نشان ده. پس فرمانش را به ارباب و او به ميكائيل داد، و ميكائيل گندم را به انسان معرفي كرد و به او ياد داد كه چگونه آن را آرد كند و بپزد. ميكائيل آدم را در جردن(اردن) يافت در حالي كه 8 شبانه روز چيزي نخورده بود و مشغول گريه بود، ولي با دريافت گندم قوي شد و از آن پس فرزندان آدم بر پايه گندم زندگي ميكنند.
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